Sunday, May 24, 2020
Biology Suffixes Phagia and Phage
Understand suffixes Phagia and Phage that are used in biology with this helpful guide.  ​ Biology Suffix Phagia With Examples The suffix (-phagia) refers to the act of eating or swallowing. Related suffixes include (-phage), (-phagic), and (-phagy). Here are examples: Aerophagia (aero-phagia): the act of swallowing excessive amounts of air. This can lead to digestive system discomfort, bloating, and intestinal pain. Allotriophagia (allo-trio-phagia): a disorder that involves the compulsion to eat non-food substances. Also known as pica, this tendency is sometimes associated with pregnancy, autism, mental retardation, and religious ceremonies. Amylophagia (amylo-phagia): the compulsion to eat excessive amounts of starch or foods rich in carbohydrates. Aphagia (a-phagia): the loss of the ability to swallow, typically associated with a disease. It a can also mean refusal to swallow or inability to eat. Dysphagia (dys-phagia): difficultly in swallowing, typically associated with the disease. Omophagia (omo-phagia): the act of eating raw meat. Suffix Phage Bacteriophage (bacterio-phage): a virus that infects and destroys bacteria. Also known as phages, these viruses typically only infect a specific strain of bacteria. Macrophage (macro-phage): a large white blood cell that engulfs and destroys bacteria and other foreign substances in the body. The process by which these substances are internalized, broken down, and disposed of is known as phagocytosis. Microphage (micro-phage): a small white blood cell known as a neutrophil that is capable of destroying bacteria and other foreign substances by phagocytosis. Mycophage (myco-phage): an organism that feeds on fungi or a virus that infects fungi. Prophage (pro-phage): viral, bacteriophage genes that have been inserted into the bacterial chromosome of an infected bacterial cell by genetic recombination. Suffix Phagy in Use Adephagy (ade-phagy): referring to gluttonous or excessive eating. Adephagia was the Greek goddess of gluttony and greed. Coprophagy (copro-phagy): the act of eating feces. This is common among animals, especially insects. Geophagy (geo-phagy):  the act of eating dirt or soil substances such as clay. Monophagy (mono-phagy):  the feeding of an organism on a single type of food source. Some insects, for example, will only feed on a specific plant. (Monarch caterpillars only feed on milkweed plants.) Oligophagy (oligo-phagy): feeding on a small number of specific food sources. Oophagy (Oo-phagy): behavior exhibited by embryos of feeding on female gametes (eggs). This occurs in some sharks, fish, amphibians, and snakes.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Project Plan For The Cultural Event Organizing Essay
Introduction Culture Hub’, the exhibition will be a month long expression of classical dance and music from India Australia. This event will commence from 1st August to 31st August 2015 at the venue of at the Queensland Performance Arts Center (QPAC). There will be a mixture of experience from western countries and southern east which will form ultimate new horizon among community of art and people around this topics. Therefore people of the community will be aware of the cultural values they can best understand overall cultures of both the countries. In this paper there will be a try to make a summary of total design plan of the program and creative look for program planning and production plan outlining. Hence, this paper will focus on the proposal for the cultural event organizing. Here it is highlighted that the how government’s help and university participation can be achieved and therefore it will analyze the In this program, it will be kept in mind that the information get flown to the people but overemphasized activities that will ruin the very objectives the program are being set apart. There will be a virtual communication like live shows, video screening, introductory etc. This will make the people get more comprehensively information about the elements of the Australian and Indian culture. This program will target a broader range of visitors, demonstrate the best cultural elements and develop the knowledge of participants in the exhibition.Show MoreRelatedA Critique on Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: a Project Manage ment Perspective.1382 Words  | 6 PagesProject Management Muluh A. Mokom A Critique on Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: A Project management perspective. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Music in My Life Free Essays
Music in my life Ladies and gentlemen! Today, I would like to talk to you about music and how it influences your life and everyone’s life in the world. But first, let’s state the meaning of â€Å"Music†and where it comes from. Although it’s believed that music era started in the beginning of 18 century, it’s more likely that the music originated thousands years ago from naturally occurring rhythms and sounds which does make sense because that’s how the first tribal melodies were made up. We will write a custom essay sample on Music in My Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now As for the term and the meaning of Music, every human has his own view and opinion on it. For many people it’s a key to creativity, for others it’s a joy for the happiest days or a cure for when they are down or go through difficult periods in their lives. Me, like millions people all over the world, I can’t imagine a day without music. It lifts my spirits or calms me down; encourages me to dream, believe and have faith. Sometimes music expresses person’s feelings when words are not enough. It makes our lives easier and happier. When you are in a bad mood or feel down all you need to do is play your favourite song and next second you feel like a load has been taken off your mind. I believe there is no music, no song exists which you can’t relate your life with. Music is the most powerful element that can drive you from moods and situations. And if you use it the right way, you can make your life perfect. Music also connects people. All my closest friends, for example, are connected to me through music. It’s universal. So, you don’t even need to know language to understand the music and share the emotions you get from it with other people. But the best thing about music is that you can create it yourself and get even more pleasure from it. For example, whenever i sit at the piano or take my guitar and start playing I get the feeling that I am the happiest and luckiest person in the world. Don’t know why but thats what the feeling seems like. It’s not a secret that many people come out of depression, quit smoking and all because they distract themselves by playing instruments or singing. And this does work. People change their lives with music, but they need to like it. If you like music and go through your life along with it and make it a part of your everyday life then every day will seem to you sunny and positive and your life will be beautiful. How to cite Music in My Life, Essay examples Music in My Life Free Essays Music in my life Can you think of a day without music? We can hear music everywhere: in the streets and at home, over the radio and on TV, in the shops and in the parks. People all over the world are fond of music. They listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments. We will write a custom essay sample on Music in My Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now But what is music? Specialists explain that music isn’t only a combination of pleasant sounds. There are a lot of different kinds of music. Some of them appeared long ago, and some are modern. For example, folk music appeared long ago, but it is still alive. There are many local performers, choirs and folk groups in Russia; but perhaps the most famous singer is Nadezhda Babkina. Folk songs are very tuneful and pleasant to listen to. Classical music is often associated with the music of the past. However, this style also includes music being written now, and we may speak of modern classical music. Rap is a modern musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words in time to music with a steady beat. Such artist as Eminem or group House of Pain are leaders in this style. Tastes differ. So people’s musical interests range from pop and rock music, which are extremely popular nowadays, especially among young people, to classical music and opera. When I have free time I listen to their records. I also like having background music while I am working. It’s a pity that many young people like to listen only to modern music. As for me, I also enjoy listening to classical music. Classical music is always a complex of emotions. It gives me delight, pleasure and a sense of happiness. Not long ago I listened to the Polonez – Goodbye to the nature land, composed by Oginsky. This music is sad, but I like sad music too. The music I hate is heavy metal. I find it noisy and dreadful. Though some young people are fond of this style of music, it is not to everyone’s taste. To my mind, music too loud can destroy our ears. I am indifferent to other styles of music. For example, I don’t mind listening to jazz. Each generation has its own tastes. How to cite Music in My Life, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Business and Society for Water Privatization
Question: Discuss about theBusiness and Society for Water Privatization. Answer: Business and Society Water privatization (Yes) Yes, because water is considered as a resource related to supply and demand and it should be considered as economic good. Water can be stored through the source of rain, but it has to be gathered, managed and processed by taking into consideration expensive system of channels and processing plants. It is important that dirty water and human waste should be removed and treated in sanitation systems. It is analyzed that water should be treated as an economic good then only it is considered as a waste. On the domestic level, if unmetered access is made by the consumers then it means that they are not paying according to the quantity they consume. On the national level, wasteful methods and inappropriate crops are encouraged by taking into consideration the subsidy given to farmers and industries (Tortajada, Gonzlez-Gmez, Biswas Garca-Rubio, 2016). For instance: In California water hungry cotton is grown that give harmful effect on the environment. Setting price according to its actual cost would help to encourage efficiency and practices that are environmental friendly. For instance: drip irrigation used in agriculture (Bakker, 2014). Issues related to water supply should be taken into consideration with huge investment especially in the emerging countries where individuals are not able to access clean water. It is seen that also in developed countries water is wasted through the leakage in pipes and aging infrastructure. It is analyzed that public sector is not able to offer cash for this investment so private sector involvement is essential. So, private companies should be free to earn profits through actual water charges that take into consideration costs of supply. If there is effective regulation then factors like quality and standards related to the environment should be managed properly (Harris, Goldin Sneddon, 2015). It is evaluated that water should be treated as economic good as it is beneficial for the poor. In the developed countries, the state subsidiary is provided to rich. Water is offered to the middle-class sector and to the wealthy farmers but there is no supply of water in the poorer areas. So, it is important that water should be available in each and every area of developed and undeveloped countries (Ruiz-Villaverde, Chica-Olmo Gonzlez-Gmez, 2018). Water Privatization (No) No, because with the increase in the population growth the demand for water increases. The rich class people waste water by using it in garden sparkles, lush golf courses, and swimming pools. It is important that management of demand should be considered so that waste can be prevented and also it makes sure that every individual can access including poor people. This is the responsibility and job of the government executives and not of private companies. Huge investment is required to meet global water target but it is seen that individual sector will offer these in exchange for huge commercial returns. If the investment is done by government then it is better to privatize as they can easily target the poor people and will not focus more on the opportunities related to profits. Water supply is considered as a natural monopoly so there is no pressure of competition on private companies to drive up quality and reduce the cost. It is also evaluated that in developed countries the proces s of water privatization is not so good. For instance: In the recent electricity supply crisis of California, it is seen that how badly the rules of private utilities can fail. In Australia, the water supply is retained properly just because it is in the hands of the public. To treat water as an economic good can give negative impact on the poor. The rich person can take advantage of the subsidiaries (Middlemiss, 2018). Tourism plays a great role in sustainability. In many countries, tourism is analyzed as an important instrument for regional development as it helps to stimulate the new economic activities. It is seen that tourism has a good impact on the balance of payments, on employment and also on the overall income and production but it can give negative results on the environment. If tourism growth is unplanned and is not controlled then it can result in decline of the environment and also in this the growth of tourism industry is compromised. It is important that environment should be protected as it is the major source of development (Mowforth Munt, 2015). It is seen that tourism impact on sustainability is seen on the landscape degradation and erosion. Air pollution is caused due to heavy transportation and the use of electricity. It is analyzed that there is increase in waste and the contamination of water because of the sewage that is collected from hotels and boats (Hall, Gossling Scot t, 2015). Deforestation also takes place due to an increased need for the supplies. It is seen that positive impact that is seen is related to the safety of the natural beauty. The government and organizations have put efforts so that natural beauty can be maintained as it attracts tourist towards the country. Tourism also encourages the positive impact on the local environment and economy that helps to maintain the environment in an effective manner. For instance: it is seen that tourism has impacted on the economy of Nicaragua's in three places like GDP, employment, and investment. Nicaraguan Tourism accounted for 7.9 of employment in 2013 and it can be enhanced to 8.8 percent by 2024. It is seen that negative aspect of tourism is also related to change in season and also it created part-time jobs and full-time jobs (Hunt, 2016). Sustainability tourism takes into consideration proper utilization of the resources that include social impacts and maximizes the advantage of conserving the local communities. It is seen that tourist mainly emphasizes on natural environment and also on historical cultural heritage. References Bakker, K. (2014). The business of water: Market environmentalism in the water sector.Annual Review of Environment and Resources,39, 469-494. Hall, C. M., Gossling, S., Scott, D. (Eds.). (2015).The Routledge handbook of tourism and sustainability. Routledge. Harris, L. M., Goldin, J. A., Sneddon, C. (Eds.). (2015).Contemporary water governance in the global south: Scarcity, marketization and participation. Routledge. Hunt, C. (2016). 10 A political ecology of tourism in the shadow of an inter-oceanic canal in Nicaragua.Political Ecology and Tourism, 163. Middlemiss, R. (2018). HR 23: An Assault on Water Resource Conservation and California's State Sovereignty.Hastings Envt'l LJ,24, 197. Mowforth, M., Munt, I. (2015).Tourism and sustainability: Development, globalisation and new tourism in the third world. Routledge. Ruiz-Villaverde, A., Chica-Olmo, J., Gonzlez-Gmez, F. (2018). Do small municipalities imitate larger ones? Diffusion of water privatization policies.Urban Water Journal,15(2), 138-149. Tortajada, C., Gonzlez-Gmez, F., Biswas, A. K., Garca-Rubio, M. A. (Eds.). (2016).The Private Sector and Water Pricing in Efficient Urban Water Management. Routledge.
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