Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Battle of Arkansas Post - Civil War Battle of Arkansas Post - John McClernand
Battle of Arkansas Post - Conflict: The Battle of Arkansas Post occurred during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders: Union Major General John McClernandRear Admiral David D. Porter32,000 men Confederate Brigadier General Thomas Churchill4,900 men Battle of Arkansas Post - Date: Union troops operated against Fort Hindman from January 9 to January 11, 1863. Battle of Arkansas Post - Background: While returning up the Mississippi River from his defeat at the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou in late December 1862, Major General William T. Sherman encountered the corps of Major General John McClernand. A politician turned general, McClernand had been authorized to make an attack against the Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg. The senior officer, McClernand added Shermans corps to his own and continued south accompanied by gunboats commanded by Rear Admiral David D. Porter. Alerted to the capture of the steamer Blue Wing, McClernand elected to abandon his attack on Vicksburg in favor of striking at Arkansas Post. Situated at a bend in the Arkansas River, Arkansas Post was manned by 4,900 men under Brigadier General Thomas Churchill, with defenses centered on Fort Hindman. Though a convenient base for raiding shipping on the Mississippi, the principal Union commander in the area, Major General Ulysses S. Grant, did not feel that it warranted shifting forces from efforts against Vicksburg to capture. Disagreeing with Grant and hoping to win glory for himself, McClernand diverted his expedition through the White River Cutoff and approached Arkansas Post on January 9, 1863. Battle of Arkansas Post - McClernand Lands: Alerted to McClernands approach, Churchill deployed his men to a series of rifle pits approximately two mile north of Fort Hindman with the goal of slowing the Union advance. A mile away, McClernand landed the bulk of his troops at Nortrebe’s Plantation on the north bank, while ordering a detachment to advance along the south shore. With the landings completed by 11:00 AM on January 10, McClernand began moving against Churchill. Seeing that he was badly outnumbered, Churchill fell back to his lines near Fort Hindman around 2:00. Battle of Arkansas Post - The Bombardment Begins: Advancing with his assault troops, McClernand was not in position to attack until 5:30. Porters ironclads Baron DeKalb, Louisville, and Cincinnati opened the battle by closing and engaging Fort Hindmans guns. Firing for several hours, the naval bombardment did not cease until after dark. Unable to attack in the darkness, the Union troops spent the night in their positions. On January 11, McClernand used the morning meticulously arranging his men for the assault on Churchills lines. At 1:00 PM, Porters gunboats returned to action with the support of artillery that had been landed on the south shore. Battle of Arkansas Post - The Assault Goes In: Firing for three hours, they effectively silenced the forts guns. As the guns fell silent, the infantry moved forward against the Confederate positions. Over the next thirty minutes, little progress was made as several intense firefights developed. At 4:30, with McClernand planning another massive assault, white flags began appearing along the Confederate lines. Taking advantage, the Union troops quickly seized the position and accepted the Confederate surrender. After the battle, Churchill firmly denied authorizing his men to capitulate. Aftermath of the Battle of Arkansas Post: Loading the captured Confederate on transports, McClernand had them sent north to prison camps. After ordering his men to raze Fort Hindman, he dispatched a sortie against South Bend, AR and began making plans with Porter for a move against Little Rock. Learning of McClernands diversion of forces to Arkansas Post and his intended Little Rock campaign, an irate Grant countermanded McClernands orders and demanded that he return with both corps. Given no choice, McClernand embarked his men and rejoined the main Union effort against Vicksburg. Considered an ambitious dilettante by Grant, McClernand was relieved later in the campaign. The fighting at Arkansas Post cost McClernand 134 killed, 898 wounded, and 29 missing, while Confederate estimates list 60 killed, 80 wounded, and 4,791 captured. Selected Sources CWSAC Battle Summaries: Battle of Arkansas PostNational Park Service: Arkansas Post
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child - 735 Words
They are grabbed firmly by the arm, yelled at and spanked repeatedly. Strictly abiding by the old adage that goes â€Å"Spare the rod, spoil the child†, many parents believe in physically punishing their children should they stray or misbehave. Is this really necessary? Personally, I disagree that physical punishment is required to ensure that children are not spoilt. Reason being, the that physical punishment of children is ineffective and has negative side effects on children. Physical punishment in this essay would refer to the spanking of children. In short, sparing the rod does not necessarily spoil the child if the child is disciplined in the appropriate way. Parents spank their children with the intention of changing their behavior in†¦show more content†¦Thus, spanking should in no way be encouraged due to such potential dangers. However, some might feel that spanking is justified as it has existed for centuries as a form of discipline. I strongly believe that, the fact that parents have employed spanking for thousands of years does not make it right. Many barbaric punishments, too, were once accepted in society such as the thumbscrew, theShow MoreRelatedSpare the Rod, Spoil the Child: The Debate on Corporal Punishment2092 Words  | 9 Pagesï » ¿ â€Å"Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child: The Debate On Corporal Punishment†Introduction Many people have witnessed a misbehaved child in a public area and thought to themselves, â€Å"That child needs some discipline.†However, the type of discipline and the severity of its implementation is something that has been debated for many decades because it is tough to determine how/eif certain types of discipline are beneficial or harmful. The generally accepted definition of discipline is regarded as the practiceRead MoreChildren ´s Discipline and Spanking1294 Words  | 6 Pagesthe heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. 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Wesley used reference to the Bible verse in Proverbs to declare, â€Å"Spare the rod, spoil the child†, (Cleverly and Phillips, 1986) in turn parents believed they were doing God’s will with their harsh punishments. â€Å"Break their wills betimes, begin thisRead MoreFreedom in Mark Twains The Adventures of Tom Sawyer590 Words  | 3 PagesSometimes he doesn’t earn it but he attempts to get out of his responsibilities. Tom is always envying Huck for his lethargic lifestyle. His Aunt Polly is not a fan of freedom she thinks that boys should do their chores and be civilized. â€Å"Spare the rod and spoil the child, as the good book says.†- Aunt Polly, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Freedom is one of the most crucial aspect for Tom’s life. If Tom did not have freedom the book would not be nearly as interesting. Cardiff Hill is the one of the
Monday, December 9, 2019
Elder Abuse and Maltreatment-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment
Question: Discuss about the abuse of the Elders and the Reasons for the Abuse or the Maltreatment. Answer: Introduction: Abuse is defined as basically the infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation or any sort of negative behaviour which is responsible for causing physical harm, pain or any sort of mental anguish. The elderly people are always in danger of risks of abuse. The abuse of elders along with the neglect has existed in the society for centuries. The maltreatment of elders is a serious issue which needs proper amount of consideration and responsibility to stop such occurrences in the society. The concept of abuse or maltreatment of the elders is very vital. In accordance with the long term scenario this situation needs to be addressed in case of the long term settings of the elderly. There have been instances of abuse in long term care which is due to the lack of awareness among the staff who are mostly involved in the verbal abuse and even abuse of other forms. The issue: Elder mistreatment is basically recognised as a social problem of uncertain though the magnitude is probably increasing. It also leads to come to the conclusion that the cases of elder mistreatment will grow in the coming years as the ageing population increases. The mistreatment of the elderly is considered to be an act of either omission or commission which is that of neglect and is either intentional or unintentional (Eastman 2013). There may be physical assault, or it might be psychological or might include economic or other materialistic mistreatment. Irrespective of the type or the nature of abuse it results in suffering injury or pain or even the loss or the violation of human rights and also a lower grade of life of the elderly (Sooryanarayana, Choo and Hairi 2013). The behaviour can be termed as abusive, disturbing or ignorance depending on the frequency of occurrence of the mistreatment, its duration, severity and other consequences. In several places the displacement of older people as heads of the house as well as depriving them of their autonomy are also common practices (Kosberg and Garcia 2013). Cause of elder abuse and mistreatment: Elder abuse involves several factors and not one particular cause. One of the most important reasons for elderly mistreatment is the lower number of nursing with a lack of quality caregivers. At the time of occurrence the residents do not get the amount of attention which they actually deserve ad the caregivers are very few in number. There might also be personal problems arising among the individuals who provide care to the elderly. Often there are cultural, societal as well as familial influences which make an impact in the care which an elderly resident receives (Hoover and Polson 2014). The caregivers, the family members and the residents should take care of the elders and there should be a positive attempt to make a variation in the care received by the elderly. Family situations: There might be the existence or the occurrence of domestic violence which has occurred between the spouses or other family members might have an impact into old age. The presence of an elderly member in ones family and the struggle to care for that elderly person or the financial burden is too much of a stress for the family and the caregivers as well (Pillemer et al. 2016). In most of the cases the elder abuse occurs because the members of the family are the perpetrators of emotional, financial, sexual as well as physical abuses against the elderly relative. This is extremely devastating as a form of abuse as there is a lack of accountability for other persons to detect the warning signs and to help the family members in receiving the abuse. The culture and the differing family values also play a significant role in determining the people who get abused and who do not (Dong 2015). Problems and personal issues of the caregivers: The caregivers might be burdened fell the pressure of looking after or physically impaired or even mentally ill. It often happens that the caregivers might feel trapped or helpless and are often incapable of understanding which resources to turn to for assistance. The cost of caring for elderly who are sick or physically impaired pose a huge financial problem. In the absence of necessary resources there is the increase of the chances of the risk of abuse (Brownell 2014). Problems of the providers of care can impact the type of care which they meet out to their patients. The nursing place settings and those in the place of residence also matter. There are physical as well as economic and psychological issues. This might affect the amount of time and the assistance they provide to their residents they are responsible for taking care of (Jackson and Hafemeister 2013). There might be caregivers who have problems of drug addiction who may start to indulge in stealing or other acts which are unwise. There might be several issues which are faced by the caregivers which might lead them to mistreat the elders. These include being under too much stress due to chronic fatigue, possessing a huge amount of responsibilities per day, suffering from illicit usage of drugs including the excessive use of alcohol, possessing psychological problems including that of bipolar disorder and also symptoms of depression and finally the anxiousness related to the limited amount of financial resources. Cultural issues: There are certain individuals or communities who hold a lack of respect for elderly adults. This might be regarded as disposable thus leading to an increased risk of abuse. There are certain families which give more importance to the respect and the care of elders and some do not. In those families where the elders are considered as a burden or an unfruitful or non-contributing member of the society the abuse of the elderly are more common (Martins et al. 2014). Possible solutions to the scenario: The issue of elderly abuse needs to be cured and solved as it is a serious issue which is affecting the society and the mindsets of the impressionable people in a wrong way. The elderly abuse or maltreatment is extremely inhuman which needs to be at first reduced and gradually prevented at all costs (Bennett and Kingston 2013). There needs to be an effort to combat isolation. Every individual should take it upon themselves to either connect with an older relative or make friends with the elderly by any sort of volunteer programs or by visiting old age homes (Martins et al 2014). Spreading awareness regarding this issue is also an important way to prevent sch inhuman acts. There needs to be an awareness among the public that the concept of elder abuse exists in the society and it is very wrong to participate in such practices. Conclusion: Any individual who suspects or witnesses abuse of the elderly should report it to the appropriate authorities clearly describing the symptoms of abuse. Thus the discovery of abuse should be followed by the indications for abuse and it should be stopped at once as soon as it is found to occur with any one and in any form. Always keeping the government informed as well as maintaining a level of knowledge regarding the local, state as well as federal goals can be ensured. This is due to the fact that the power of passing legislations, the implementation of regulatory measures and the alignment of the funding priorities with the best interest of the citizens is in their hands. References: Bennett, G. and Kingston, P.W., 2013.Elder abuse: Concepts, theories and interventions. Springer. Brownell, P.J., 2014.Family crimes against the elderly: Elder abuse and the criminal justice system. Routledge. Dong, X.Q., 2015. Elder abuse: systematic review and implications for practice.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,63(6), pp.1214-1238. Eastman, M., 2013.Old age abuse: a new perspective. Springer. Hoover, R.M. and Polson, M., 2014. Detecting elder abuse and neglect: assessment and intervention.American family physician,89(6). Jackson, S.L. and Hafemeister, T.L., 2013. Understanding elder abuse: New directions for developing theories of elder abuse occurring in domestic settings. Kosberg, J.I. and Garcia, J.L., 2013.Elder abuse: International and cross-cultural perspectives. Routledge. Martins, R., Neto, M.J., Andrade, A. and Albuquerque, C., 2014. Abuse and maltreatment in the elderly.Atencion primaria,46, pp.206-209. Pillemer, K., Burnes, D., Riffin, C. and Lachs, M.S., 2016. Elder abuse: global situation, risk factors, and prevention strategies.The Gerontologist,56(Suppl_2), pp.S194-S205. Sooryanarayana, R., Choo, W.Y. and Hairi, N.N., 2013. A review on the prevalence and measurement of elder abuse in the community.Trauma, Violence, Abuse,14(4), pp.316-325.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Leaving Home free essay sample
Everyone has a place they connected with, a place they never want to leave. Somewhere they feel safe. Making connections with places and things is a part of being human. Leaving those places is sometime the hardest thing we ever do. Leaving Florida was one of those times. Before I was forced back on a plane to my hometown of Nederland CO there were three places I had to say goodbye to: my tree, the bamboo forest, and the ocean. The first place I had to go before my departure was my tree. I had found it on the first day I had been their, a huge tree I found in a park not far from my grandparents’ house. I hopped on my bike and rode there almost every day I had been there which was almost a month, and today would be my last visit. I claimed up to the vary top to sit and listen, I listened to the seagulls to the gentle ocean breeze as it tickled my skin. We will write a custom essay sample on Leaving Home or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Every thing was always so clear from up there it was like by only sitting up there I accumulated all the answers. The only problem was that all of my problems that needed answers where back home and my tree could not come with. So I’d have to find another way another answer, but for now it was goodbye Then I went to say goodbye the bamboo forest . Behind the park my tree was in was a small bamboo forest I had deceived one day trying to escape for a relentless rain storm. I had never seen bamboo in real life before and didn’t even know it grew in Florida. it was circle of huge bamboo trees and the center was a spot big enough to lie down a blanket and just watch the leaves fall around me. It was unlike anything I had experienced before. Sadly this would be the last time for a while. I took a small stick off the floor of the forest to remember. I would never forget that place. It was a sine to me that their where still things to be discovered. The last and final place I had to so painfully let go of that day was by far the hardest and most important, the ocean. Ever since the first time I was introduced to the ocean I have been I love! I loved everything about it : the sand in-between my toes, the smell of the salty breezes, the way the air teased, the majestic crustily blue of the waters the way it glisten in the sun, the tangible pure calm that came with the rolling in of the waves.
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